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Strategies for Staying Warm and Safe When Camping in Cold Weather

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Since the pandemic, more people have taken up camping as a hobby. Last year, over 7 million people in the US went camping for the first time. Camping is a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of it all and recharge. Spending time outdoors in nature can make one feel rejuvenated in a manner other vacations can’t. While camping is most popular in the warmer months, many also enjoy camping in colder temperatures. For example, camping in 30 degree weather has challenges but can be exhilarating. When camping in extreme cold, keeping warm means keeping safe. Here are some strategies for staying warm while camping in the snow.

Consider Your Equipment

When camping in 30 degree weather, you must consider the equipment you need to buy. Camping in winter requires equipment specifically to withstand those extreme temperatures. Check the labels for their rating information when buying your tent and sleeping bag. For instance, tents are available in five “season” ratings. Seasons 1 to 3 are for warm and dry temperatures, and seasons 4 and 5 are for colder and wetter conditions. Manufacturers make Season 4+ tents from a water-resistant nylon fabric that prevents snow from seeping inside.

Pack Smartly

Pack warm items of clothing before heading off. The colder the climate you’re camping in, the warmer the clothes must be. You also want to layer your clothing.

  • Winter Camping Tip: Remove all sweaty clothing as soon as possible and switch them out for dry clothes to stay warm

For example, buy base clothing such as thermal underwear for women and men, which will keep you warm even in the coldest temperatures. You also want to pack items such as:

  • Heavyweight jacket (down or synthetic)
  • Gloves
  • Hat
  • Mid-layers (i.e. wool tops, soft shell jackets)
  • Thermal socks

Eat More

In colder temperatures, your body burns calories to stay warm. For this reason, eating more than usual when camping in snow is essential. You may even feel hungry more often when cold because our bodies are programmed this way. You want to pack foods high in carbs, fats, and proteins. During the day, you should eat carb-rich foods and switch to higher protein meals at night. It’s also vital to remain hydrated. Our bodies can become fatigued even in cold weather if we don’t drink enough water. Remember, however, the more water you drink, the more you must urinate, so pack accordingly if you’re unwilling to brave the snow.

Master Camping in 30 Degree Weather

Camping can be fun, whether you go alone or take the whole family. There are many types of camping, from “glamping” in an RV to camping in extreme temperatures. If you’re camping in 30 degree weather,  you want to ensure you buy your tent and sleeping bag with a good rating for cold conditions. You also want to wear the right clothes, layer them up, and eat more. Has this article made you feel like camping? Find more like this one in our Lifestyle category.

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