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Open vs Closed Rhinoplasty: What’s the Difference?

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Are you considering getting a rhinoplasty? This surgery has the power to do a lot of things for you. First, it can give you a more aesthetically pleasing nose. Second, it can increase airflow to your nose and sinuses, improving your breathing. The question is: Are you unsure about open and closed rhinoplasty procedures? Do you understand the differences between both methods? If you are uncertain about open vs closed rhinoplasty, then this guide is the one you need. Read on to learn more.

Complexity of the Procedure

Open and closed rhinoplasties are essentially the same procedure in that they both involve reshaping and altering the size, shape, and profile of the nose. However, the complexity of the procedure varies when it comes to open versus closed rhinoplasty. With closed rhinoplasty, the procedure is primarily on the outside of the nose, with very minimal or no access to the nasal tissue or cartilage. The procedure is subtle and usually requires only minor aesthetic changes. With open rhinoplasty, the nose is accessed via a small incision on the columella, the external surface between the nostrils, and much more complex tissue manipulation is possible. As a result, open rhinoplasty is used more often for more complicated nose reshaping, such as making major changes to the septum or bridge of the nose.

Recovery Time

After an open rhinoplasty, most people have to wear a splint on the bridge of their nose for a few days to protect the new shape of their nose. There may be swelling and bruises around the eyes, but they generally go away over time. Closed rhinoplasty, on the other hand, usually takes much less time to heal and does not require a splint. In comparison, there is also not much swelling. In both cases, patients should be extra careful not to hurt the area around the nose while they are healing.


Open rhinoplasty is usually more expensive than closed rhinoplasty because the extra exterior incision takes more time and care. Closed rhinoplasty, on the other hand, is generally less complicated because the incision is made inside the nose. The cost can vary depending on where in the country you live, who your plastic surgeon is, and how complicated your surgery is, but it’s generally between $4,000 and $10,000 for either procedure.


Open and closed rhinoplasty have similar risks, including infection, nosebleeds, and swelling. However, open rhinoplasty may potentially have additional risks if the surgical cut is too deep. Additionally, some patients experience an increase in numbness and feeling of tightness from the open rhinoplasty procedure. In comparison, closed rhinoplasty is less likely to cause any further injury to the nose. Both procedures have the potential for complications, but it is important to discuss with your trusted Rhinoplasty Surgeon what your particular risk factors are.

Learn the Difference Between Open vs Closed Rhinoplasty

Open vs closed rhinoplasty each provides unique advantages and disadvantages in different scenarios. Ultimately, the best approach will depend on the individual’s desired results and health condition. Speak to your doctor to help you decide which is right for you and achieve the best outcome. Check out our other blog posts for more health and lifestyle tips.

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