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Guide To Assembling A 3-Day Survival Kit for Emergencies 2023

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Emergencies can happen at any time and anywhere. Preparation for the same is paramount as you hope for the best. Preparedness for unprecedented situations helps you to survive until you receive aid or come out of the condition. A survival kit equips you with the necessary items for floods, droughts, hurricanes, and fire incidents.

Many tactical and survival subscription boxes can help you in various situations. But not all have everything you need for specific incidents. Making one at home will ensure you have all the tools, gear, food, and supplies you need when an emergency knocks.

This blog covers the steps to take when prepping for a three-day survival. You will learn how to make it valuable, portable, and complete.

1. Identify the Items You Need

Not all emergencies are the same. Each challenge presents unique needs, prompting you to respond differently for every instance. Also, various regions experience exclusive emergency types. Others may encounter two or more experiences. For example, places prone to floods can experience landslides, and deserts can get flooded occasionally.

Your preparation depends significantly on where you live. People in the mountains may not need to worry about floods. However, earthquakes can destroy entire settlements in a minute. Pack your tools and gear according to the specific needs of your neighborhood.

Besides, everyone in an emergency will need food, clean water, and medical supplies, among other products. Knives, spotlights, multi-tools, and lighters are essentials you must add to your survival kit. These simple tools are available in EDC shops dealing with survival gear. Ensure you buy the best quality products to last through the tough times.

2. Establish the Supplies Quantity

Three days is not a short time. Sleeping in the cold, fighting hunger pangs, and worrying about your next move will affect your well-being. But it does not mean every emergency will last three days or more. You can come out of the woods sooner. However, erring on the safe side is paramount. It is wise to pack a little extra in case things do not get right on time.

The number of people depending on your survival kit determines how much food and water you need. Consider how many people are in your family to prepare adequately. That ensures you all stay safe for the duration the emergency will last.

The family size problem goes beyond the amount of foodstuff to carry. Pack adequate shelter – tents, sleeping bags, and warm clothes. Each family member may have special medical conditions. Determine what each needs and keep enough supplies in the survival kit. For instance, you need prescription medicine, painkillers, and first-aid items to last beyond three days.

3. Work Out Storage Options

Emergencies arrive unannounced. Even if you have planned well to overcome the challenges, you cannot be sure when calamity strikes. Keeping your survival kit indoors is as good as having none. While in a rush during an earthquake, flood, or war, you may not have sufficient time to get it. Put it near your exit door if it must be in your house.

Overall, your car trunk is ideal for emergency kit storage. You can drive out to a safer place and camp or lodge. Your prepared box will be available whenever necessary. Consider your office if you work alone. It can save you a ton in times of distress. Store your emergency supplies in a secluded place in the office. Stay with your office keys wherever you go. You will not need to pay extra to sleep there but a mat or rug.

4. Ensure Portability

Piling up three jackets for every member will make your survival box heavier than anticipated. You only want to pack things you can carry far if you have no car. Two people can help each other, but it must be portable. Assess the location and conditions to determine what items are vital during emergencies.

Instead of bulky foods, you can get dried nuts, pre-cooked and packaged meat, and fruits instead of carrying cooking pots. Also, consider if you can access water sources. Carry some filter bottles to clean the water for drinking. That eliminates the need for a water can that will be too bulky.

5. Review Your Contents Often

Planning for an emergency for 2023 does not mean it must happen next week or month. Sometimes, things may change from how you predicted for some time. Most of the packed items may go stale if kept for long. For instance, processed foods go bad after a few weeks or months. Also, medicine can expire if removed from its original packaging.

An occasional review will help you update your emergency survival kit with the most significant items for the situation ahead. Also, you can replace perishables to avoid surprises when calamity strikes. Reviews also allow you to determine if you should add or reduce the supplies depending on the people you have. Some family members or friends may have moved in or out, affecting the number you must help.

Summing Up

Emergencies are inevitable. Preparedness is vital. A three-day survival kit requires adequate preparation to avoid running out of supplies before the duration runs out. Also, you must plan how to keep the kit safe to help yourself and your family during the hardship. Take time to assess your needs before setting off. Also, ascertain how to keep everything relevant and within the shelf life.

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