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The Need for Water Purification at Homes

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Water is a fundamental requirement for life. This is needed for purposes of bathing, cleaning, washing, drinking, and cooking. Most of them required water in the best possible condition otherwise the consequences will be bad.

Composition of Water

Chemically compromising two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen is the compound called water. But normally available water contains a number of different elements in it. Certain of them come as beneficial for human biology while others can gravely harmful. Resultantly, some are called minerals while others are called pollutants.

Minerals are appreciated as they help in digestion, maintaining health, and regulating the body’s functions. These are calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and bicarbonate, etc., Their presence in the water is liked and encouraged for drinking.

While harmful includes dirt particles, heavy metals such as arsenic, manganese, chromium, copper, and lead, etc., chlorine, bacteria, and others. These need to be removed to make the water drinkable otherwise problems will rise.

How Does Purification Work?

Purification is simply making water favorable for usage. Thus, it can be killing bacteria, filter heavy metals, reacting unwanted constituents, or any other means. 

Let us explore some means available to purify water at homes:

An electrical water filter can be used that uses reverse osmosis to clean water. Electrical shop drawings can help with complex electrical water filter systems for industrial requirements. This is a simple and highly advanced way to purify water. Pressure is applied to counter the osmotic pressure to isolate ions from water.

Ozone gas can be used to filter water. These purification systems oxidize metals present in the water to make them insoluble. This way, the ions are separated from the water in the post-filtration process. This makes water better to drink. Devices are used to pass ozone.

Chlorine too is used in a similar manner. The gas damages the out membrane of the microorganism and makes it inactive. Next, they are separated from the water through filtration. Time is an important factor in this method for the gas to react properly. Devices are used to pass chlorine since its too much quantity can be harmful.

Water can be put under mechanical treatment. The mechanical filter is capable to restrict the movement of even microorganisms such as bacteria. Hence, as the water passes through this filter, all the particles get suspended in the mesh of the filter.

Disinfectant tablets and drops are used. These include chemicals such as sodium chlorine dioxide, iodine, dichloroisocyanurate, tetraglycine hydroperiodide, etc., These are placed or dropped into the water and they deactivate microorganisms present in the water.

UV treatment can be opted for. The light is only passed through the water with the right tools and the microorganisms are killed. Water passed through the UV filter to achieve the results.

Activated charcoal can be used as well. This can store compounds unwanted and remove viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms.  The charcoal is placed in a cloth bag or sock as water the pass through it.

The traditional method of boiling can be used. This is simply heating the water up to 100 degrees in centigrade and 212 degrees in Fahrenheit. Afterward, the water is cooled for usage. The heat kills the bacteria and other microorganisms.


Water is vital for usage. While it may constitute pollutants that need filtration, killing of microorganisms, or simply separating the water. To achieve this a number of different methods take place to make water usable at home. Some of these are discussed in the article. Some of them are simply carried with the available resources while some are built. Plumbing shop drawings can be of good use in building system filtration systems.

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