23.5 C

How To Have A Smooth Riding Experience During Winters?

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Riding the bike during winter can be tough. But no one would want to miss out on misty mornings, warm sunrises and empty roads. There will definitely be some missing out if you decide to skip rides during the winter months. Though it may be challenging for many, winter riding has its own set of benefits. It helps maintain your fitness since you won’t be on a break, and it can also improve your emotional well-being. And it goes without saying that going outdoors in the winter, in the sun, can be very beneficial for physical and mental health. However, before you decide to explore, here are ways to prepare yourself to ensure you do not end up falling sick and feel safe: 

Avon Cycles offers a wide range of bicycles with high-end features and great prices. With such amazing additions, we take pride in providing bicycles online which are of unparalleled value and quality.

Layer Up

When you head out on your bicycle, you must layer up your body parts, as moving on a bicycle can give you a chill. Ensure that you are well-covered from your head, under your bike helmet, which will eventually keep you feeling warm. To protect the rest of your body, wear warm inner layers and put on gloves to protect your fingers from getting cold. Use socks, thermal ones, and proper shoes, and always keep a jacket to protect you from the rain, water or wind. This will ensure your body parts are not frosty or numb during your cycling adventure. 

Get your map beforehand

Before you finally head out into the route, you must route the map, check for any hurdles and obstacles, and, if required, draw plans for rerouting as well. Your routes must be safe for cycling and shouldn’t make your riding during the winter a hassle. It is always advisable to have a plan before you go out because you may simply run out of energy or be cold from being outside for a longer period of time. 

Wear the right clothes

Make sure you are visible to the drivers; therefore, you must wear the right kind of clothes. At times, especially after dark, it gets difficult for drivers to spot the riders on the street. Hence, wearing the right clothes will single you out when you’re riding. While driving during the dark hours, make sure you have proper headlights, a flash, and bright-coloured clothing that will increase visibility for others and you. 

Take care of your skin

You must take care of your skin while you are on a ride. Exposure to the sun can make you feel better, but the UV rays can adversely affect your skin. It is, therefore, advisable to wear sunscreen and cover-up while riding in cooler areas or during the winter. 

Carry your water bottle

Although you might not feel as thirsty as in summer rides, it is mandatory to keep yourself hydrated. You are definitely going to be sweating during this time, so make sure you keep the liquids with you. And to keep the liquids warm, it is better to have them in insulated bottles. 

Well equipped cycle

It goes without saying that your bicycle has to be well-maintained and in the right condition to weather through every climate condition. It is also recommended to buy cycles that are highly reviewed or built by the best in the market. Avon Cycles has been exclusively manufacturing bicycles which perform exceptionally well in all conditions. Our bicycle prices are affordable and the best within the current market. 

They are perfect for all ages and are most trusted by cycling enthusiasts in India and worldwide. Basically, cycling can be extremely safe during the winter months if you’re equipped with the right bicycle and brand. 

Start by exploring the world of the online cycle via Avon Cycles.  

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