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How to Choose PIM Software: Everything You Need to Know

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Product Information Management (PIM) has become vital to success in today’s world. You risk making mistakes when you have to update data in multiple locations. Having a central hub for knowledge makes that process easier.

That’s why the PIM market has expanded so much in the past several years. Reports show the market size reached $12.8 billion in the past year.

If you’re getting ready to choose PIM software, it pays to learn about your options. Use the guide below to look through your options for software and find the best one.

Consider the Features

One of the things to remember about switching to PIM software is that some of your business operations may change. You already have a system for organizing products, and a PIM system will change how you do that.

That’s why it’s essential to look at the PIM software features to expect. Each product has different pros and cons that make them worth purchasing.

Look at what your options offer and how they fit your business needs. From there, you can pick the program that matches your requirements.

Look to the Cloud

It’s important to consider where the software you purchase resides today. In the past, you purchased on-premise software because it was private, and there weren’t as many requirements to scale.

That isn’t the case today. It’s more cost-effective for many businesses to use cloud services instead of building an IT infrastructure.

Look at your cloud options for product information management (PIM) software. These options get regular software updates and will give you access to the software from anywhere.

Check the Integrations

PIM software doesn’t operate in a vacuum. Yes, you’ll have one location to manage all your product data. But you need to access that information from several locations, including your eCommerce storefronts and other applications.

The system you pick needs to integrate with all those solutions. You should be able to sync your product information seamlessly with everything instead of manually copying information everywhere.

Automating your system will help you keep your information updated everywhere without manual intervention. These integrations will save time and avoid costly mistakes.

Look at PIM Software Reviews

You don’t want to take a chance on a piece of software without getting additional information from neutral sources. A software company won’t discuss its weaknesses when trying to sell you something. You need to hear from previous customers to get that information.

Reading online reviews will help you discover that information. There are many locations online that allow customers to review the software they used in the past.

Read those reviews to learn the pros and cons of a PIM application in the eyes of past customers.

Choose PIM Software Carefully

A PIM application can be a game changer for product companies. The software allows you to centralize your product information and keep the information updated across all your sales channels and internal application.

But you need to find the right PIM software provider to get the most out of your purchase. Remember the advice above when you choose PIM software to vet your choices well.

Do you have any other important purchases coming up in your business? Learn more about picking business software on the blog.

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