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Hand In Distress: A Comprehensive Guide To Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve is under excessive pressure. The median nerve is located in the wrist and allows movement and feeling to certain parts of the hands. Carpal tunnel syndrome may cause numbness, weakness, or muscle damage to the fingers and hand.

It can be painful to type all day long on a keyboard. You may start to experience discomfort if you continue typing for long periods of time. Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause numbness, Tingling, and pain in your wrists and hands. It can be so painful that it may require surgery. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by repetitive hand motions, such as typing, sewing, or driving. Carpal tunnel syndrome is named after an area of your wrist. The median nerve runs through the tunnel, sending sensation to your hand and fingers. You put pressure on your median nerve when you repeat the same action, such as flexing and stretching the wrist. It swells inside the carpal canal until it becomes so tight that the median nerve is pinched.


The median nerve is responsible for the movement and feeling of the thumb side. This includes the thumb, palm, index finger, and middle finger, as well as the thumb side of the ring finger.

The carpal tunnel is the area of your wrist where nerves enter the hand. The tunnel is usually narrow. Swelling can pinch the nerve, causing pain, numbness, or weakness. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the name for this condition. Some people with carpal syndrome are born with a small tunnel.

The same wrist and hand motions can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Vibrating hand tools can also cause carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is not caused by repetitive movements, such as typing, using a keyboard, playing an instrument, or sports. These activities can cause bursitis or tendinitis, which can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms.

Most often, carpal tunnel syndrome affects people between the ages of 30 and 60. Women are more likely to suffer from it than men.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be caused by:

  • Alcohol Use
  • Bone Fractures and Arthritis of the Wrist
  • The tumor or cyst that grows on the wrist
  • Infections
  • Obesity
  • Your body may retain extra fluids when you are pregnant or going through menopause.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Amyloidosis is a disease that has abnormal protein deposits in the body.

The following symptoms may be present:

  • Hand clumsiness when grasping objects
  • Numbness and Tingling can occur in the thumb next two or three fingers of either hand.
  • The palms of your hands may feel numb or tingly.
  • The pain extends up to the elbow.
  • One or both hands may be affected by pain in the wrists or hands.
  • Fine finger movement (coordination) problems in one or both of the hands
  • The muscle beneath the thumb can be weakened (in cases of advanced or chronic disease).
  • The most common complaint is that the bag is difficult to carry or has a weak grip.
  • Weakness of one or both Hands
Exams And Tests

Your healthcare provider might find the following during a physical examination:

  • The thumb side of the ring finger and palm is numb.
  • Weak Hand Grip
  • Tinel Sign: Pain may shoot down your arm from the wrist when you tap over your median nerve.
  • The Phalen test involves bending your wrist all the way forward for 60 seconds. This will result in numbness or weakness.
  • Two points on the finger are difficult to identify.

The following tests can be ordered:

  • Wrist radiographs can be used to rule out other problems, such as arthritis.
  • Electromyography
  • Nerve Conduction Velocity (a measure of how quickly electrical signals travel through a nervous system)

You may be suggested to do the following by your provider:

  • Wearing the splint every night for a few weeks. You may also need to wear it during the day if this doesn’t help.
  • Avoid sleeping on your wrists. If you’re seeking expert care for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, South Valley Neurology offers comprehensive solutions to help alleviate your hand distress.
  • Place warm and cold compresses over the affected area.

You can reduce wrist stress by making the following changes at work:

  • Special devices such as keyboards and mouse pads can be used.
  • Have someone else review your position when you perform work-related activities. Make sure, for example, that the keyboard is positioned low enough to prevent your wrists from being bent upward while you type. You may be referred to an occupational therapist by your provider.
  • Changing your job duties, home, or sports activities. Vibrating tools are used in some jobs that can cause carpal tunnel syndrome.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, are used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Injections of corticosteroids into the carpal area can relieve symptoms for some time.


A carpal tunnel release involves cutting the ligament pressing against the nerve. The surgery is usually successful, but it depends on the severity of the nerve compression as well as how long the patient has had it.

Possible Complications

When the condition is properly treated, there are rarely any complications. Untreated nerve damage can cause permanent weakness, numbness, and Tingling.


  • Reduce the risk of wrist injury by using tools and equipment designed properly.
  • You can improve your wrist posture by using ergonomic aids such as split keys, keyboard trays, and typing pads. When typing, take frequent breaks and stop immediately if you experience tingling or discomfort.
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